Tim Delahanty
Program Director
Tim joined LearningWorks in May of 2012 and is the director of the Service Works program. A jack-of-all trades, Tim has worked as a farm hand, dj, photographer, delivery driver, cemetery attendant, dishwasher, landscaper, organic fertilizer manufacturer, waiter, flooring guy, promoter, saxophonist, grocery clerk, kayak guide, chicken slayer, apple picker, property manager, and construction laborer. In addition to his work adventures, Tim has completed epic cross-country road trips and spent time working in Ireland and Alaska. He has an innate curiosity for the world at large and directly around him, and loves hands-on, experiential learning. Tim holds a degree in Digital Media from The New England Institute of Art. He also studied at Southern Maine Community College and The University of Maine. When not engaged with wicked rad projects at LearningWorks, Tim can be found doing tinkering, gardening, cooking, or relaxing at the beach with his wife and daughters.
Favorite Ice Cream:
Anything with Chocolate
Favorite Song:
“Once in a Lifetime” by The Talking Heads